Redlands East Valley H.S. History
For 106 years, the City of Redlands, California functioned as a single high school community. As early as the mid 1970s, talks had begun in the City of Redlands to promote the construction of a new high school. Redlands’ voters finally, in the early 1990’s, passed a bond to build a new high school. After months of design and bidding for state funds, the groundbreaking ceremony took place on September 22, 1995. During the next two years, the high school was built to be on the cutting edge of technology and became one of the most advanced high schools in the state. On September 9, 1997, the long-awaited vision became reality as 2,059 students from three grades (9-11) stepped onto the campus to be the first students ever to attend Redlands East Valley High School.
Redlands is a residential community located 65 miles directly east of Los Angeles. The school district encompasses the city and a considerable area of unincorporated county territory around the city. The population of the City of Redlands is about 73,000 (2021) with the outlying areas increasing our school district population to 90,000-100,000 inhabitants. Small businesses, professional, managerial, supervisory, and sales positions are the main areas of business. The communities served by Redlands East Valley High School (REVHS) are diverse and offer a rich tapestry of cultures.
Redlands East Valley High School has an enrollment of 2,173 students, grades 9-12. A spring tour of REVHS by a team of accreditors from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in 2013 resulted in accreditation until the next review in 2019. The staff at Redlands East Valley High School includes 95 certificated personnel, four Regional Occupation Program teachers, and fifty-six classified and support staff. REVHS’ leadership team includes the principal, four assistant principals, six counselors, four teachers-on-assignment in charge of the Career Center, Athletics, Activities, and School-to-Career, and fourteen department chairpersons. A fiscal committee oversees the budget for REVHS and a School Improvement Plan committee manages SIP funding.
A total of 225 credits is required for seniors for graduation. Course requirements include four years of English in grades 9-12, three years of social science, two years of science, two years of P.E., two years of math, one year of fine arts or foreign language, and one semester of health. Grades earned in grades 9-12 are used in computing a student’s grade point average. All classes except physical education and ROP classes are included in the grade point with ‘+’ or ‘-’ used to influence the total grade point average. Advanced Placement and Honors classes are weighted, but no accelerated grade points are given for any grade below a “C-.” All 9th-grade math and English classes were reduced in size to have a maximum of twenty students.
Redlands East Valley High School provides a full complement of activities to its students. The athletic program, contest speech, choral and instrumental programs, drama, newspaper, video production, yearbook, student government, academic decathlon, and mock trial involve Many of the student body. Fifty-two clubs offer a variety of interest areas. Some students join only one club while others are involved in several clubs and co-curricular activities.