Choir and Piano
"Hello! I am Mr. McCann and I am the Choir Director and Piano teacher here at REV! At REV, we currently offer 2 different choir classes: Concert Choir - a non-auditioned choir that is open to anyone who enjoys singing! East Valley Singers (EVS) - this is an audition-based ensemble and the top vocal ensemble here at REV! We perform at school events, festivals, and have professional performance opportunities throughout the year! Singers in EVS also have the opportunity to audition to the Southern California Regional Honor Choir and California All-State Honor Choir!
Singing in a choir can be FUN! Performing on a STAGE is one of the most rewarding things in life and we would LOVE to have you in our program!
REV also offers 3, yes 3, piano classes. Our new and improved piano lab has 24 electric Clavinova pianos as well as a completely new, state-of-the-art, Music Lab system that makes learning how to play the piano in a classroom setting easier! Piano classes are open to ALL students regardless of their level of experience. It is a 'Go at your own pace' type of class where you will not only learn how to play the piano but will also learn key musical components such as music theory and music history to help get your musical journey started."